
Audiobooks now available on Google Play Store

After years of simply having ebooks, Google today announced that it is adding audiobooks to the Google Play Store. Audiobooks will be available in 45 countries and in nine different languages.

Just like the ebooks, the audiobooks will be available à la carte with no subscription service like on Audible. Once purchased, the book will be available to listen across all Google platforms, including the web, Google Play Books app on Android and iOS, Chromecast, Google Home, Android Wear and Android Auto. The progress will be synced so you can start on one device and pick it up later on another. You can also tell Google Assistant on any of the devices to play your audiobook and it will start playing the last one you played from where you left off.
Audiobooks can now be purchased from the Google Play Store on the web and on Android. iOS users can play audiobooks from the Google Play Books app but can only purchase them from the web.

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